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100% Costa Rica - Single Origin Coffee

100% Costa Rica - Single Origin Coffee

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Roast Level

Freshly Roasted - On Demand - Micro Batches - Ships within 24 hours of being roasted

Costa Rica Red Honey Los Santos

This is a high caliber washed coffee from La Gloria. Raw cane sugar, with background notes of bittering cacao and almond counter. Still, never overcome, mouth refreshing acidity, baked apple hint as the coffee cools.

La Gloria Estate is one of several "Baru Indian High" estates in Boquete's Horqueta subregion. These estates benefit from altitudes reaching 2000 meters at their peak, nutrient-rich volcanic soils, mild average temperatures, and ideal annual rainfall. La Gloria has access to natural spring water that flows through the area, which is helpful at the farm and around the estate, and also a direct water source for local farmers.

The coffee is wet-processed and patio dried in the much warmer climate of Dolega, Cosecha nearby. There is some mechanical "finish" drying to keep up with production during the busiest times of the harvest. Preparation of the green coffee is a meticulous benefit for roasting, making for uniformity in color and an easy-to-read degree of roast.

Cupping Notes:
The dry grounds have a honey and 'grain' smell in light roasts, with a bit more development (toward FC), adding chocolate roast tones to the mix. At City+, the wet grounds have some candied sweetness, a butterscotch scent, very sweet, and along with a smell of baked goods, like a freshly fried donut. City+ captures this coffee's sweetness best and still leaves plenty of room for the lovely citrus-like brightness to shine through. For the acidity averse, don't fret. La Gloria's acidity level is not 'bright' compared to some African coffees. Still, it has a nice mouth-refreshing aspect at this lighter roast level that adds a touch of elegance, not to mention structure.

It can be toned down by roasting a shade darker to Full City. The middle roasts yield a somewhat neutral raw cane sugar flavor, with background notes of bittering cacao and almond that counter but never overcome. There's a mild fruit note and hints of baked apple and pear when the cup cools. The finish is clean, heightened by the pleasing acidity felt on the tongue.

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