March 23, 2023 - Welcome to CoffeePhD

March 23, 2023 - Welcome to CoffeePhD

So what is CoffeePhD?

First a bit about my background as a data scientist…

After over 30 years as a data scientist, I have always kept my curiosity for numbers and statistics. Coffee roasting has considerable data that can guide the process and quantify the outcome. From the ‘rate of rise’ curve to the yield, you can precisely track what is happening inside and outside the bean as it transforms from a hard green bean into a light, rich, roasted bean with complex flavors and aromas. Even though it takes a relatively short amount of time to roast a batch of coffee (generally between 12 and 15 minutes), many decisions need to be made that will make the difference between a grassy burnt coffee and a cup with deep complexity and hints of familiar tastes and smell that conjure up special memories and emotions.

Living on a vineyard and learning about wine…

I have spent the last several years living in a vineyard in the picturesque countryside of Napa, California. Wine and coffee have a lot in common. As I started to dive deeply into coffee, I was amazed by how much I had learned about grapes and wine-making directly translated to coffee. One of the significant advantages of coffee when perfecting your craft is how quickly you can get feedback on your methods and techniques. It takes years and many vintages with fine wines to understand what has developed in the fermentation process. With coffee roasting, the beans peak a few days after a roast, and cupping will reveal its secrets. Occasionally, something mysterious, magical, and unexpected will be expressed in the cup. This is when the data science kicks in. We go back to the data from that roast and compare it to other roast profiles and see what was done differently. This allows us to carry that new feature into future roasts.

 Discovering your perfect cup of coffee…

Another similarity between wine and coffee is that there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to what you like. Everyone tastes differently. The only way to find that perfect cup of coffee is to try different kinds and see what resonates with your palate. The challenge is that there are so many potential combinations of factors that we could not try all of them in our lifetime. Origin, elevation, shade cover, processing method, roast levels, profile development, and blending. Welcome to the world of near-infinite possibilities.

 The mission of CoffeePhD is to guide you through this process. We will arrive at your perfect cup by providing you with samples and receiving your feedback about what you liked and didn’t like about each of the coffees. This will narrow down the origin, roast level, and profile development that speaks to your unique palate. And just like wine, you are allowed to have more than one favorite. The goal is to help you focus on the kinds of coffees that will bring your taste buds to life! 

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